公 告


                      Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. Statement About Its Associate Financial
                              Planner and Certified Financial Planner Certifications in Mainland China

                                                                  –Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB Ltd.), a Denver-based, U.S. nonprofit organization, owns the world-famous CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (‘CFP’) and Associate Financial Planner (‘AFP’) certification programs in various territories outside the United States. FPSB Ltd. oversees the delivery of its internationally recognized CFP and AFP certification programs in Mainland China.

FPSB Ltd. has recently learned of the Chinese State Council’s Decision to Revoke and Adjust Certain Administratively Approved Projects (‘The Announcement’), which includes a proposal to revoke 金融理财师and 国际金融理财师. FPSB Ltd. understands that ‘The Announcement’ revoked the right of the China Foundation for Development of Financial Education (CFDFE) to provide professional qualification approvals and issue certifications in Mainland China. FPSB does not consider that this Announcement is directed toward the internationally-recognized AFP and/or CFP certifications issued by FPSB Ltd. in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei.

The standards for, and delivery of, FPSB Ltd.’s AFP and CFP certification programs has been consistent around the world, including in Mainland China. We believe our approach aligns well with the intent of the Chinese government’s recent announcement of the State Council’s Opinions About Promoting Fair Competition and Maintaining Market Order [Guofa (2014) 20].

When FPSB Ltd. first introduced the AFP and CFP certification programs to Mainland China in 2004, it was truly appreciative of the support it received from the China Foundation for Development of Financial Education (CFDFE). However, to maintain the independence and the integrity of its AFP and CFP certifications in Mainland China, FPSB Ltd. has retained independent management and oversight of the AFP and CFP certifications, which are offered directly by FPSB Ltd. to appropriately qualified individuals.

‘Associate Financial Planner’, ‘AFP’, ‘Certified Financial Planner’ and ‘CFP’ are the official names of FPSB Ltd.’s certifications in Mainland China. There are a few financial planning certificates issued by other organizations in Mainland China using similar Chinese names. If the Chinese translations for FPSB Ltd.’s AFP and CFP certification programs have the potential to create confusion with the terms referred to in the Chinese State Council’s Announcement, FPSB Ltd. will consider using the official English names only, or altering the Chinese translation for its AFP and CFP certifications. For guidance, FPSB Ltd. will refer to the Chinese translations for AFP and CFP certification used by FPSB Ltd.’s member organizations in Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei, both of which are different from those used in Mainland China.

The standards and certification requirements for FPSB Ltd.’s international AFP and CFP certifications have been developed in the public interest, and are based on more than 40 years of input from financial planning practitioners, financial services firms, educational institutions, regulators, consumer representatives and government bodies around the world. Around the world, the standards and certification requirements for CFP and AFP certification are based on a core philosophy of ‘Client First’; rigorous education, examination, experience and ethics requirements (the ‘4Es’); and practice standards based on the six-step financial planning process. The CFP certification has been recognized by financial services practitioners and institutions globally and in Mainland China as the global symbol of excellence in financial planning. By the end of year 2013, FPSB Ltd. and its member organizations had approximately 600,000 AFP and CFP professionals in more than 25 countries and territories in the world.

In the coming months, FPSB Ltd. will reach out to the Chinese State Council and other regulatory and government bodies to share information about FPSB Ltd.’s certifications in Mainland China, and will continue to pursue its mission to benefit the global community by establishing, upholding and promoting worldwide professional standards in financial planning.

For more details on FPSB, please refer to www.fpsb.org and www.fpsbchina.cn .



  FPSB(国际金融理财标准委员会)是一个总部位于美国丹佛的非营利组织。它在美国之外拥有全球知名的CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (“CFP”)和Associate Financial Planner (“AFP”)认证项目。FPSB在中国大陆管理和监督AFP和CFP认证项目的执行。
  FPSB注意到,中国《国务院决定取消的职业资格许可和认定事项目录 (共计67项)》(以下简称“决定”)中包括了“金融理财师”和“国际金融理财师”。FPSB理解,该决定明确取消了中国金融教育发展基金会关于“金融理财师”和“国际金融理财师”的职业资格许可和认定, 与FPSB在全球(包括中国大陆,中国香港,中国台湾)的AFP和CFP认证项目无关。FPSB在中国大陆按照全球统一标准发展AFP和CFP认证项目,符合国发【2014】20号文《国务院关于促进市场公平竞争维护市场正常秩序的若干意见》的文件精神。

  FPSB所拥有的国际AFP和CFP认证项目,以公众利益为核心,以全球40多年来理财各方(理财专业人员,金融机构,教育机构,监管者,消费者,全球各国政府代表)的经验为基础,恪守“客户至上”的理念,遵循 “4E”认证标准【即严谨的教育(Education),考试(Examination),从业经验(Experience)和职业道德(Ethics)要求】,和金融理财6步骤的执业标准,得到了包括中国大陆在内的全球金融服务专业人员和金融机构的广泛认可。截至2013年底,全球(包括25个国家和地区)AFP和CFP持证人数已逾60万。




                                                                                                                          Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd.





